Det New Zealandske teaterkompagni, The Rebel Alliance, har rejst på tværs af kloden for at invitere dig ind i 95-årige Ingas stue i Danmark, når hun rækker ud gennem tid og rum til sit barnebarn i New Zealand.
Med brug af en masse kridt væver performer og dramatiker Anders Falstie-Jensen myten om Vølvens Spådom og Ragnarok ind i en historie om katastrofer, familie og uventede forbindelser.
Back to Square One? Blev skabt i 2020 lige midt i coronapandemien og var lavet til Anders’ indkørsel i Auckland hvor publikum bestod af naboer.
Til trods for restriktioner og alle mulige forhindringer lykkedes det The Rebel Alliance, med hjælp fra 5 forskellige skuespillere, at turnere forestillingen på kryds og tværs af New Zealand. Back to Square One? har været opsat på festivaler, skoler, teatre, parkeringspladser.
Theatre finds a way. Always
Back to Square One? opføres på engelsk og spilles udendørs på Teater V’s parkeringsplads.
The Rebel Alliance has travelled halfway around the world to invite you into 95 year old Inga’s living room in Denmark as she reaches out through space and time to her grandson in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Using only chalk to draw with, writer and performer Anders Falstie-Jensen weaves the Norse myth of Ragnarok into a unique story of disasters, family and unexpected connections.
Back to Square One? was made in the middle of the Covid pandemic specifically for Anders’ driveway. The premiere audience consisted of his neighbours.
Since then The Rebel Alliance has with the help of 5 different actors performed the play in festivals, theatres and car parks across Aotearoa.
It’s theatre, but only just!
The play is performed in English outside on Teater V’s parking lot.
“I can’t recall the last time I left a theatre with such a lightness of heart”
Ross’s Reviews
“Beautifully crafted, heart-warming, life affirming”
WINNER – Best of Fest
2022 Nelson Fringe Festival
NOMINATED – Best new New Zealand Play
2022 ADAM Playwrighting Awards